Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Today in class we took our test on the video we've been watching over the past three days. Overall I think I did really good. I might have got one or two wrong because I missed one day of the video but the test was really easy. I feel like I did good because I'm more of a visual learner that's why watching videos is good for me. Also, I think I took good notes on guns germs and steel. One question I did have was how did germs have anything to do with the topic. And one question that was kind of hard on the test was why did people leave the fertile crescent, I said because of over-farming but its ok.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

today we finished watching the video by Jared Diamond. We learned that based on your geographic location. it determined if you would progress in life. People in the middle east were very lucky, they were given many animals that could be domesticated such as cows, pigs, and horses. But what really helped them was their crops. They had access to very nutritious crops such as wheat and barley. These things led the middle eastern to learn and create= new things much easier. After that, we learned that originally there were no animals in North America that could be and that the Europeans brought those over.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

In class, we watched the video again. Since I didn't see most of the video, last class I was told a lot that I missed. One thing I missed was the food they eat called Sago. Sago is not good it takes four to five days to process. It also is a waste of calories, goes bad fast, and only fills you up. After that, the video went to the middle east and show how much it was easier to live there since they had wheat. Wheat can be stored for a long time and has great nutrients overall way better then Sago. Jared Diamond said everything was about Geographic Luck.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Today in class we continued to watch the video I didn't get to see much because I left early for a basketball game. I did see that when the Europeans came to Papua New Guinea. They felt as if they were better than them because they were making people carry them.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Today in class we got to see how we did on our exam. I got a 93 on the main test but my essay wasn't as good and I ended up getting a 78 on the essay so it mad my test grade balance out to an 89.25. I thought I did pretty good on the exam essay. After we got to look at our exams we did research on a book call Guns, Germs, and steel. The author was Jared  Diamond. what he was trying to do was see why the world was so unequal

Friday, December 13, 2019

Today we just wrote our Essay it was pretty easy and I think I might get one hundred. I might have had some grammar errors. But my actual writing was good for me. One problem that I had is that I could've used six paragraphs because I made a mistake by using one whole paragraph on the background of each country, Like about their government. Also, I wrote a lot, a total of three pages. Overall i think i did really good on the Essay