Thursday, September 12, 2019

Today in class we were getting prepared for our test on Socrates and A Message to Garcia. We also learned the Socratic method of teaching that Socrate used. What he would do was he would ask questions to overall see what you believe in. He wasn't on any "side" he was most of the time neutral. One day in 399 BC Socrates was charged with corrupting the youth and impiety (Not believing in the gods of the state). From both of these charges, he could be put to death. Socrates responded in a brave way saying "I should actually be rewarded with free dinners for life" he said this because he was telling people to think for their selves and maybe look into other beliefs that Athens did not like but he thought he was doing the right thing. 279 people of the jury out of 500 agreed he should be put to death but many people like him so they wanted to sneak Socrates out but he refused. Then he drank the poison which ended him. After that Mr. Schick told us what he remembered about 9/11.

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